Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Edit file on window vista

how to manage file to the Folder pointed you out how him to manage the bundle and the document by using the new generation program from Microsoft that is window vista. Window vista was software the newest generation after Window XP, in application of the window the vista was not different many with the version window beforehand, was begun by discussing the bundle and whichever bundle before was explaining what could be done by you with them and how him to use Windows Explorer, Windows’ the subject kept-headed by of the implement. Windows Explorer vital to used the Window effectively. You could utilize Windows Explorer to look for the bundle and the bundle, made a fool of them, Windows Explorer was Windows’ was installed that his use was to facilitate us when we looked for the bundle that was needed, the exact existence was supervised by the monitor screen to the Start article. And basically all the functions of the panel control that beforehand was in window xp also often did not change in window the vista. In window our vista also could do , for more information please visit Basics of Files and Folders in Windows Vista

Enjoy your blogging and get paid

At this time the internet business was increasingly known by the person, various online businesses developed very fast beginning with the business affiliate marketing, paid survey, pay per click (PPC), adsense, and paid to review. Many of them said that paid to review was difficult because of the condition that must be met by blogger very tight. However was lucky for all of us especially for new blogger who just begin to include on intenet business because of having Payingpost,the place for advertise on blogs. One of the providers paid to review that gave the task a large number of for the measurement of the beginner by the large sum of payment, and the condition that were given really was easy, these can be followed by everyone ,include for newbie or the beginner.
Payingpost is good choice to be blog advertising indeed the place that was very exact to get the big production and was easy. Please visited Paying post and enjoyed your Dollar from results of your work personally. Payingpost best of paid review.
Based on this experience payingpost was the place that was best for blogger to add and increased the production from the program paid to review. And for advertiser this place really was suitable to be made the place of the promotion of the product that was ideal because would even more visitor that visited this site, becaused by them looked for the place that was exact to look for efforts and promote efforts. There was the profit that was obtained between advertiser and publisher from advertising and blogs at payingpost..

For blogger that at this time still was looking for the ideal place to seek a living and the production that please visited this site and began to increase your savings account through the account paypal. Because all payment that will be received from this site will be paid through Paypal in each beginning of the month. If not yet having the account paypal immediately visited the site of this international financial service provider because apart from being easy also free. Fill the account of paypal with dollar which produced from the program paid to review. Payingpost the place to make money blogging.

Great News!!!

We required focused, ambitious and eager individuals
to surf the internet 5 hours per day with a view bar installed.
Compensation varies based on time spent browsing. .ability
to surf internet for 5 hours per month. some marketing , sales
experience online. Helpful but not essential -- expertise in we
traffic techniques example: pay per click, email marketing,
banner ads, link exchanges, etc

Monday, March 09, 2009

How to Describe a Camping Car

If you are trying to find a way to spend your holiday camping in the great outdoors, you will want to use a camping car to help.

There will be a combination of vehicles and a temporary home to live in. Camping cars are going to be a type of transportation and home at the same time. People will choose to live in these homes permanently.

If this happens, they can park the vehicle in the special parking lot and enjoy time with their family and friends.

Car camping is something that many people love to do in this day and age. They will pack their things and everything that they will need to head on out.

They will have to make all the necessary arrangements for their camping cars. It is possible to cook if they want to with the great mini type kitchen inside.

Sleeping is not a problem when in the camping car. There is usually normal sized bed and you can put on the AC I you are in a hot area.

A washroom with a shower can be a great feature to make the travel even better. There can be a refrigerator too. Having all this and so much space is a great benefit to many travelers.

You can store equipment like tents, sleeping bags, ropes and anything else that you may need inside the camping car. All of the things can be placed in the camping cars too.

Camping cars are going to be great and very useful in any type of weather conditions. If you are hot you can site inside the camping car and turn on the air conditioning.

If it is cold and rainy you can run inside and get comfortable. There are so many different styles of camping cars and recreational vehicles. The caravans are going to be more comfortable and enjoyable for anyone looking for wonderful camping style.

You should get ready and think about taking a super great camping trip with the camping car that is perfect for your needs.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Secret of Subuh praying

" Pernah, salah seorang penguasa Yahudi, menyatakan bahwa mereka tidak takut dengan orang Islam kecuali pada satu hal. Ialah bila jumlah jamaah shalat subuh menyamai jumlah jamaah shalat Jum'at "

"Sesungguhnya amal manusia yang pertama kali dihisab pada hari kiamat adalah shalatnya" Jika shalatnya baik, maka baik pula seluruh amalnya; dan kalau jelek, maka jeleklah seluruh amalnya. ? Bagaimana mungkin seorang mukmin mengharapkan kebaikan di akhirat, sedang pada hari kiamat bukunya kosong dari shalat Subuh tepat waktu?

"Sesungguhnya shalat yang paling berat bagi orang munafik adalah shalat Isya' dan shalat Subuh. Sekiranya mereka mengetahui apa yang terkandung di dalamnya, niscaya mereka akan mendatangi keduanya (berjamaah di masjid) sekalipun dengan merangkak" [HR Al-Bukhari dan Muslim]

Shalat Subuh memang shalat wajib yang paling sedikit jumlah rekaatnya; hanya dua rekaat saja. Namun, ia menjadi standar keimanan seseorang dan ujian terhadap kejujuran,karena waktunya sangat sempit sampai matahari terbit)

Ada hukuman khusus bagi yang meninggalkan shalat Subuh. Rasulullah saw telah menyebutkan hukuman berat bagi yang tidur dan meninggalkan shalat wajib, rata-rata penyebab utama seorang muslim meninggalkan shalat Subuh adalah tidur.

"Setan melilit leher seorang di antara kalian dengan tiga lilitan ketika ia tidur. Dengan setiap lilitan setan membisikkan, 'Nikmatilah malam yang panjang ini'. Apabila ia bangun lalu mengingat Allah, maka terlepaslah lilitan itu. Apabila ia berwudhu, lepaslah lilitan yang kedua. Kemudian apabila ia shalat, lepaslah lilitan yang ketiga, sehingga ia menjadi bersemangat. Tetapi kalau tidak, ia akan terbawa lamban dan malas".

Jawablah dengan jujur :

Ketika Anda harus berangkat keluar kota dengan menggunakan pesawat terbang atau kereta api pada pukul 05:00 pagi, bisakah dengan potensi fisik Anda tiba di bandara atau stasiun tepat pada waktunya? Apakah ada kelonggaran
bagi Anda untuk datang terlambat ?

Apabila ada seorang pengusaha yang berjanji akan memberi Anda uang setiap hari pada pukul 05:00 pagi sebesar Rp 1 juta jika Anda datang tepat pada waktunya, apakah Anda akan mendatanginya? Apakah Anda akan beralasan bahwa .....Anda tidur terlambat, sehingga Anda tidak bisa datang?

Jika Anda benar-benar dapat memenuhi keinginannya, sehingga Anda mendapat Rp 365 juta dalam setahun, lalu keesokan harinya ajal datang menjemput. Bayangkan Anda dibawa dengan keranda menuju liang lahat. Jika Anda berada di posisi ini, jawablah dengan jujur :

"Apakah Anda senang masuk liang lahat dengan membawa Rp 365 juta, dan tidak melaksanakan shalat Subuh walau sekalipun?"

"Ataukah lebih utama bila Anda masuk liang lahat dengan membawa 365 shalat Subuh, dan Anda tidak bawa uang walau hanya seribu rupiah?"

Jawablah dengan sejujur-jujurnya! Manakah yang lebih kekal dan bermanfaat?

"Berikanlah kabar gembira kepada orang-orang yang banyak berjalan dalam kegelapan (waktu Isya' dan Subuh) menuju masjid dengan cahaya yang sangat terang pada hari kiamat" [HR. Abu Dawud, At-Tarmidzi dan Ibnu Majah]

Allah akan memberi cahaya yang sangat terang pada hari kiamat nantinya kepada mereka yang menjaga Shalat Subuh berjamaah (bagi kaum lelaki di masjid), cahaya itu ada dimana saja, dan tidak mengambilnya ketika melewati Sirath Al-Mustaqim, dan akan tetap bersama mereka sampai mereka masuk surga, Insya Allah.

"Shalat berjamaah (bagi kaum lelaki) lebih utama dari shalat salah seorang kamu yang sendirian,berbanding dua puluh lima lipat. Malaikat penjaga malam
dan siang berkumpul pada waktu shalat Subuh". "Kemudian naiklah para Malaikat yang menyertai kamu pada malam harinya, lalu Rabb mereka bertanya kepada mereka - padahal Dia lebih mengetahui keadaan mereka - 'Bagaimana hamba-2Ku ketika kalian tinggalkan ?' Mereka menjawab, 'Kami tinggalkan mereka dalam keadaan shalat dan kami jumpai mereka dalam keadaan shalat juga'. " [HR Al-Bukhari]

Sedangkan bagi wanita - walau shalat di masjid diperbolehkan - shalat di rumah adalah lebih baik dan lebih banyak pahalanya. Ujian yang membedakan antara wanita munafik dan wanita mukminah adalah shalat pada permulaan waktu, yaitu yang mengerjakan shalat Subuh pada saat para pria sedang shalat di masjid.

"Barang siapa yang menunaikan shalat Subuh maka ia berada dalam jaminan Allah. Shalat Subuh menjadikan seluruh umat berada dalam jaminan, penjagaan, dan perlindungan Allah sepanjang hari. Barang siapa membunuh orang yang menunaikan shalat Subuh, Allah akan menuntutnya, sehingga Ia akan membenamkan mukanya ke dalam neraka" [HR Muslim, At-Tarmidzi dan Ibnu Majah]

Banyak permasalahan, yang bila diurut, bersumber dari pelaksanaan shalat Subuh yang disepelekan. Banyak peristiwa petaka yang terjadi pada kaum pendurhaka terjadi di waktu Subuh,yang menandai berakhirnya dominasi jahiliyah dan munculnya cahaya tauhid. "Sesungguhnya saat jatuhnya adzab kepada mereka ialah di waktu Subuh; bukankah Subuh itu sudah dekat?" (QS Huud:81)

Rutinitas harian dimulainya tergantung pada pelaksanaan shalat Subuh. Seluruh urusan dunia seiring dengan waktu shalat, bukan waktu shalat yang harus mengikuti urusan dunia.

"Jika kamu menolong (agama) Allah, maka ia pasti akan menolongmu dan meneguhkan kedudukanmu" (QS Muhammad : 7)

"Sungguh Allah akan menolong orang yang menolong agamanya, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuat dan Maha Perkasa" (QS Al-Hajj:40)


1.Ikhlaskan niat karena Allah, dan berikanlah hak-hak-Nya
2.Bertekad dan introspeksilah diri Anda setiap hari

3.Bertaubat dari dosa-dosa dan berniatlah untuk tidak mengulangi kembali
4.Perbanyaklah membaca doa agar Allah memberi kesempatan untuk shalat Subuh
5.Carilah kawan yang baik (shalih)

6.Latihlah untuk tidur dengan cara yang diajarkan Rasulullah saw (tidur awal; berwudhu sebelum tidur; miring ke kanan; berdoa)

7. Mengurangi makan sebelum tidur serta jauhilah teh dan kopi pada malam hari
8. Ingat keutamaan dan hikmah Subuh; tulis dan gantunglah di atas dinding
9. Bantulah dengan 3 buah bel pengingat(jam weker; telpon; bel pintu)
10. Ajaklah orang lain untuk shalat Subuh dan mulailah dari keluarga

Jika Anda telah bersiap meninggalkan shalat Subuh, hati-hatilah bila Anda berada dalam golongan orang-orang yang tidak disukai Allah untuk pergi shalat. Anda akan ditimpa kemalasan, turun keimanan, lemah dan terus berdiam diri hingga tanpa terasa tiba tiba Malaikat IZROIL berdiri di hadapan anda, menghampiri anda, dan anda sudah tak dapat ditolong lagi.

"Bukankah sudah datang saatnya bagi orang orang yang percaya, untuk menundukkan-mengkhusyukkan hati mengingati (dzikir) Alloh, dan mengingati kebenaran yang telah Alloh turunkan ...." (Al Hadid - 14).

Monday, February 09, 2009

Types of Recreational Vehicles

Types of Recreational Vehicles

Recreational vehicles otherwise known as RV’s are going to be very popular. They are going to be homes on wheels.

There are different camping cars and trailer towing vans that are going to be made under the same name as RV.

The recreational vehicle is going to be used for many different purposes like a traveler that goes longer distances or likes to go camping.

The largest and most comfortable recreational vehicle is going to be Class a motor homes. The smaller types are put under the class B campervans. The Class C recreational vehicle is the smaller sized motor homes.

The camping cars are going to be made up by adjoining the van with a trailer. The recreational vehicles are going to be made for space and storage. This is going to make it so much nicer.

A recreational vehicle will also have a bed, small kitchen, some storage space, and a table. They may also have a Television. The larger sized ones will have a bathroom, showers, toilets and even a living room and master bedroom to enjoy.

The higher end camping cars like these will also have a refrigerator and satellite TV. Some will also have the Internet and slide out compartments with awnings.

The Class camping cars are going to be great for travelers. They are going to be built on a truck or commercial bus frame for more space.

The recreational vehicle can be parked in a camping space or in a special RV area. There are parks that are dedicated just for RVs. You can find comfort and style when you park in this type of great space.

There is really no need to reserve a room in a hotel while you are traveling. You can prepare your food in the kitchen, and there is no need for a restaurant on the way. You can use the RV for shelter and for anything else that you can imagine on your next camping trip.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Shopping online make easy

In this time consumer more coddled with technology development and systems in sale more bloom. In this time many stores and agent that sell all need kinds. Good food, coat and others, passes internet media, for example for one of them are SHOP.COM

Internet business ease in this time at exploit by entrepreneurs with make systems marketing according to online with media electronics shaped internet network and computer. SHOP.COM one of the store online gives tender very attractive for consumer, with easy expense according to online, consumer can compare price in every existing web. With free of charge for delivery fee.

In consumer the development can get special price, discount and discount with exchanged purchasing coupon that done. and most important thing of SHOP.COM they provide furniture completely. shaped goods electronics, utensil and furniture, child toy, goods souvenir and much more.
Let us prove up, with shopping on line at SHOP.COM you will get satisfaction in expense according to online shopping.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Visitor comes!!!

Finaly step by step my blog was visited by visitor, eventhough still less from my hope but starmt from now , I believe I could get more Dollar to fill my paypal account. I promise and thanks you I sad to all people who have support me to focus in my business.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Getting Many Links

Getting Many Links
Here are several techniques for getting many links:

First, let us repeat once more, have a site with real content, i.e. of value-added. Indeed, how do you want that a webmaster put a link towards a site without interest? On the contrary, if your site is an interesting content for its visitors (not a competition but rather a complementarity), then it will put a link towards your site without even having being asked to!

Second, suggest other webmasters to exchange links. Target sites treating of the same subject as you, if possible reference sites (having good PageRank). It is worth taking enough time to visit a site before sending an email. Then, be convincing, serious and cordial. Personalize to the maximum the email. Take care to explain in which form you propose to make the exchange of links (see our councils on this subject). Keep a trace of the emails which you send and do not harass the webmasters until they answer you!

Third, submit your site to directories. We particularly recommend you Yahoo! and DMOZ. If you have money, submit to Looksmart or other directories. If you don't, you may have time (hopefully!) to submit to a large number of small directories. Lastly, take time to find specialized directories (on your topic or your local area) and to submit your site there. Prepare several descriptions your site (of different lengths), as well as lists of keywords.

My First Dollar $$$$

Amazing ! and thank God. finally I get my first Dollar. after a year I learn and looking for the business on the internet. And I have told on the previous post that i am so tired... what business I have to do, which one I have to choose among variatif offer business .

Realy in internet marketing if you have no good gurus or guide, you will lost very -very far from your home, why there is many offer about internet business and because of you have no experience you will follow step one , step two no success and you felt fail, move the other program and so on.

So be focus on one target first. if you want to be affiliate marketer, please join with affiliate program and find how to be good affiliate marketer. if you want to be blogger for paid review, you have to know how to own quality blog in order get job for your business. etc..etc.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I am tired

huh, I am very tired, untill now I got no money from internet business, I have spent the night almost whole the night I try over and over to find what kind of business in internet could help me to get money.

But just a little dollar which i got, how must I do for it? please help me. Some one who find my blog , let me to ask your help in order I got more money for other activity. thanks.. but help me with visit my affiliate :

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Advertising in Newsletter

We discussed earlier the advantages of having advertising
space in your newsletters. In this article we will discuss
advertising in other companies’ newsletters and how it can
be as equally beneficial.

By advertising in other newsletters, you can reach an
audience which is highly targeted and cost effective.
Moreover, you can never be accused of spamming as all the
recipients have subscribed to the newsletter. There are so
many newsletters out there covering so many different topics
that it's easy to find highly targeted ones to advertise in.
So if you've matched the newsletter to the product you're
selling, you've reached your target audience to a tee.

Almost all newsletters are archived, thousands of people
read these archives, and your ad will be seen by these
people at no extra cost. This can bring in exposure and
extra sales on a long term basis. Besides, newsletter
publishers may have already developed a trust between
themselves and their readers. Just by placing your ad in the
newsletter, it's more likely to be read because it appears
in a publication they like and trust.

Newsletter advertising is not only effective, it's cheap as
well. A 5 line ad in a newsletter that goes to 3000 people
will cost you between $5 and $25 per issue. With so little
risk involved, this is definitely worth it.

Buying Ads in Other Newsletters

Just as you can sell advertising, you can also buy
advertising in newsletters. You can use those ads to promote
your business or to invite people who read newsletters to
read your own.

Again, you have to pick your partners carefully. There’s no
point just picking a newsletter with the cheapest rates; you
want to make sure you choose an outlet that appeals to the
same buyers as you. You also need to think about where your
ad is going to be placed. In general, the higher the
position the better. And the more the merrier too. Don’t
expect a huge response from a single ad. It’s always best to
think of advertising in terms of a campaign. You’ll get a
better deal—and better results—if you reserve an advertising
slot for four or five issues than if you buy them one at a

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Increase your Link popularity

Search engines are the gateway to the Internet; they are
the first tool that potential customers use to find the
products and services they need. This is why link
popularity is so imperative. If the customers do not find
your website, you have no possibilities of making any

You're probably wondering what the blazes is popular about
a link! Well, in a word - plenty! Link popularity refers to
the ranking assigned to your website by the search engines,
and it determines the ranking your page gets when keywords
are entered into a search engine. So, you're probably
wondering, how do I make my link popular?

Search engines are discretionary, giving status and ranking
to sites that have links to their pages from related,
quality sites. It's a simple formula, but a very important
one. Google created the system, and now virtually all the
most popular search engines employ it to rank your web
pages in their indexes.

The more commonly used your keyword is, the harder it will
be to achieve link popularity, but without achieving this
step, it is almost certain your site will never rank highly
on any search engine. But don't be discouraged; there are
tried and true ways of achieving link popularity using the
most competitive keywords.

There are a few things you should be aware of. The first is
that just linking up with a large number of other websites
will not achieve link popularity. In fact, it may have
quite the opposite effect. This is particularly true when
pertaining to websites that are nothing more than "link
farms" - pages containing line after line of indiscriminate
links. Search engines may aggressively discriminate against
your website if you are associated with a link farm, so
steer clear of them!

The next thing to bear in mind is the quality of the site
you are linking to. Never link to a page you have
reservations about your visitors seeing. The last thing you
want your website to appear as is indiscriminate and cheap.
Linking to sites of poor quality will only lessen your link
popularity, if not completely destroy it.

So let's get to what you need to do to achieve supreme link
popularity and improve your rankings to stellar status on
all the popular search engines.

The first step, and the fastest way to get your foot in the
door, is to get a listing in a popular directory, such as
Open Directory Project and Yahoo. If your site is
business-related, you will want to be listed on Yahoo, and
despite the fact that it will cost you around $300 a year,
it will be money well spent. If your site is
non-commercial, the listing will be free, but it will take
time and follow-up to actually get it listed. Open
Directory is gives you a free listing whether you are
business-related or non-commercial, but be prepared to make
a lot of follow-up inquiries before you see your site

You are aiming to get listed in the highest level of
appropriate category, and this just takes some common
sense. For example, if your company ships Alpaca wool from
an Alpaca farm located in the middle of Nowhere, Tiny
State, do NOT submit your listing to "Retailers from
Nowhere, Tiny State." BIG MISTAKE! All you have to do is
look a little deeper - and submit your listing to the "Fine
Alpaca Wool" category. You will not only associate yourself
with culture and quality, but you will be listed in a
national category.

The next step after you have attained directory listings is
to locate other quality sites that will increase your link
popularity. Try to find sites that are in some way related
to yours, so not only will your link popularity increase,
but your customer base may also be expanded. You want to
avoid your competitors and look for sites that are useful
to your site's visitors. Let's look at the Alpaca Wool site
example. Linking up to a site that sells knitting supplies
would be helpful to your visitors, and the chances of the
knitting supply site wanting to link up to your site are
also greater. By linking to a related site that will be
relevant to your website's traffic, you are increasing both
of your site's business prospects - and both of your sites'
link popularity.

Not all sites want to link to other sites, so you will have
to do some research when you are looking for possible
linking partners. Google is an excellent starting place for
your search. Make sure you enter keywords that you think
quality customers will also enter to find your own site.
Remember, your criteria are quality, highly ranked,
non-competing websites that have a links or resources page.
Go to these sites and objectively assess them. Look at the
quality of the product, the graphics, and the ease of use.
Then check out the other sites they are linked to, and
determine if your own site would fit in with the crowd.

When you decide you have found a good prospect, you must
set out to woo them. The first thing to do is to add a link
on your own links page to their site. This is an essential
first step; it shows good faith, and ups your chances
significantly of their reciprocity. After you have added
their link, you must contact the webmaster of their site.
Since this is almost always done by email, you want to make
sure it is immediately clear that your message is not junk
mail. This requires that you tell them right off the bat
that you have added a link to their page on your site. A
hook like this almost always insures the reader will read

Next, be sure to be flattering and let them know how much
you appreciate their website. Make sure you emphasize that
you have actually visited their site, and that their site
is not just a random pick. Give them the address of your
links page, and ask them to check out the link for
themselves. It's a good idea to mention that they will not
only benefit from the increased traffic your website will
direct their way, but you will also increase their link
popularity. Briefly, explain why link popularity is so
essential, but do this in a sentence or two so you don't
sound like a professor! Finally, tell them you would
greatly appreciate if they would reciprocally add a link on
their own links page to your website.

Go through this process with as many appropriate sites as
you can find, bearing in mind the criteria of quality and
non-competitiveness. After you have emailed all relevant
sites, be sure to check these website frequently to see if
they have added a link to your page. Give it about a month,
and if no link appears, try another charming email. Then
give it another month, and if your site is still absent
from their links page, it's time to remove their link from
your own links page. The only time you want to pursue a
link further than this is if you believe a site is crucial
to your link popularity and your business needs. Just
remember to keep all your communications complimentary and

Then set up a schedule to check your ranking in search
engines frequently to see if your link popularity has
improved. This is not achievable in the blink of an eye. It
will take some time and a good deal of work. There is no
way around the labor-intensive quality of improving your
link popularity, which is why search engines regard it with
such importance.

By the way - make sure you have a beautiful, streamlined
site or you will never persuade anyone to link up to you.
Be prepared to keep plugging away at this process, as long
as it takes, until you achieve link popularity stardom!

Saturday, January 03, 2009