Thursday, December 18, 2008

Active at Forum

You can get tremendous support from other writers by joining a few forums. Not only can they give you invaluable pointers and advice, they can also inform you of companies that are hiring. In fact that is how I got started. Most of what I learned I learned because of someone discussing it on a forum and then I just did a little more research on the topic.I am going to discuss my two main writing forums that I check regularly. If you would like to find some more just type “writing forums” or “writers forums” in your search engine.1. This site is the best! It has to be the number one work at home mom forum on the net without a doubt. They have a section dedicated to writers that I check daily. Use the link below to get to the site and then scroll down to WAHM Service Business (it’s the 3rd group). The service businesses are listed alphabetically so scroll down to the w’s and find the one on writing. There are some stickys (that means a post that is stuck at the top and can’t be removed) with great info like where to get work, etc. Make sure you read all of those. If you have any questions feel free to ask them.Click Here to join WAHM: