Friday, January 16, 2009

My First Dollar $$$$

Amazing ! and thank God. finally I get my first Dollar. after a year I learn and looking for the business on the internet. And I have told on the previous post that i am so tired... what business I have to do, which one I have to choose among variatif offer business .

Realy in internet marketing if you have no good gurus or guide, you will lost very -very far from your home, why there is many offer about internet business and because of you have no experience you will follow step one , step two no success and you felt fail, move the other program and so on.

So be focus on one target first. if you want to be affiliate marketer, please join with affiliate program and find how to be good affiliate marketer. if you want to be blogger for paid review, you have to know how to own quality blog in order get job for your business. etc..etc.

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