Friday, January 16, 2009

Getting Many Links

Getting Many Links
Here are several techniques for getting many links:

First, let us repeat once more, have a site with real content, i.e. of value-added. Indeed, how do you want that a webmaster put a link towards a site without interest? On the contrary, if your site is an interesting content for its visitors (not a competition but rather a complementarity), then it will put a link towards your site without even having being asked to!

Second, suggest other webmasters to exchange links. Target sites treating of the same subject as you, if possible reference sites (having good PageRank). It is worth taking enough time to visit a site before sending an email. Then, be convincing, serious and cordial. Personalize to the maximum the email. Take care to explain in which form you propose to make the exchange of links (see our councils on this subject). Keep a trace of the emails which you send and do not harass the webmasters until they answer you!

Third, submit your site to directories. We particularly recommend you Yahoo! and DMOZ. If you have money, submit to Looksmart or other directories. If you don't, you may have time (hopefully!) to submit to a large number of small directories. Lastly, take time to find specialized directories (on your topic or your local area) and to submit your site there. Prepare several descriptions your site (of different lengths), as well as lists of keywords.

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